Thursday, April 18, 2013
Update status Facebook with command prompt
First, you must install PHP on your computer windows.
Download link:-
Download link:-
After that,you choose on "Do not setup a web server" and click next .
Make sure you click on "Will be installed on local hard drive" for all extensions.
Now,after complete install PHP on your computer windows , you must check for this file"extension=php_curl.dll" and "extension=php_openssl.dll" on C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini .
Ok now must download Fbcmd file..
Download link:-
Extract the file on your desktop and open up command prompt aka cmd .
Execute the command below:- desktop(Go to desktop) fbcmd(Go to fbcmd folder)
3.php fbcmd_update.php(Wait for update)
4.fbcmd go access(Browser will automatically open up and write"success" if your fbcmd successfully login)
5.fbcmd auth(Browser will automatically open up again to generate code for your fbcmd)
6.fbcmd auth 34HDJahd(Execute the command with the code and wait for Facebook to accept the code)
7.fbcmd addperm(This command so important)
8.fbcmd status "Hello hensem,testing"(Now you can test to update your facebook status with cmd)
Other Command:-
ADDALBUM = Create a new photo album
ADDPERM = (Launch a website to) grant FBCMD extended permissions.
ADDPIC = Upload (add) a photo to an album
ADDPICD = Upload (add) all *.jpg files in a directory to an album
ALBUMS = List all your photo albums (or for your friends)
ALLINFO = List all available profile information for friend(s)
APICS = List [and optionally save] all photos from an album
AUTH = Sets your facebook authorization code
COMMENT = Add a comment to a story that appears in the stream
DELPOST = Deletes a post from your stream
DISPLAY = Sets the content of your FBCMD profile box
EVENTS = Display your upcoming events
FEED1 = Add a one-line story to your news feed
FEED2 = Add a short story to your news feed with optional picture
FEEDLINK = Share a link in your news feed
FEEDNOTE = Share a note in your news feed
FEVENTS = List events for friend(s)
FGROUPS = List groups that friend(s) are members of
FINBOX = Display mail messages from specific friend(s)
FINFO = List information fields for friend(s) (see UFIELDS)
FLAST = Displays the last n status updates of friend(s)
FONLINE = List any friends who are currently online
FPICS = List [and optionally save] all photos where friend(s) are tagged
FQL = Perform a custom FQL Query
FRIENDS = Generate a list of all your friends
FSTATUS = List current status of friend(s)
FSTREAM = Show stream stories for friend(s)
FULLPOST = Displays a stream post with all of the comments
GO = Launches a web browser for the given destination
HELP = Display a help message
HOME = Launch a web browser to visit the FBCMD home page
INBOX = Display the latest messages from your inbox
LIKE = Like a story that appears in the stream
LIMITS = Display current limits on FBCMD usage
LOADDISP = Same as DISPLAY but loads the contents from a file
LOADINFO = Sets the content of the FBCMD section on your Info Tab
LOADNOTE = Same as FEEDNOTE but loads the contents from a file
MSG = Displays a full message thread (e.g.: after an INBOX)
MUTUAL = List friends in common with other friend(s)
MYWALL = Show the posts from other users to your wall
NOTICES = See notifications from facebook, applications & users
NOTIFY = See (simple) notifications such as # of unread messages
NSEND = Send a notification message to friend(s)
OPICS = List [and optionally save] all photos owned by friend(s)
PINBOX = Display the latest updates from pages you are a fan of
POST = Post (share) a story in your stream
PPICS = List [and optionally save] all profile photos of friend(s)
PPOST = The POST command for page owners and administrators
RECENT = Shows the n most recent friend status updates
RESET = Reset any authorization codes set by AUTH
RESTATUS = Replace your status (deletes your status and adds a new status)
RSVP = RSVP to an event from the EVENTS command
SAVEDISP = Saves the content of your FBCMD profile box to a file
SAVEINFO = Saves the content of the FBCMD section on your Info Tab to a file
SAVEPREF = Save your current preferences / switch settings to a file
SENTMAIL = Display the latest messages from the sent mail folder
SFILTERS = Display available stream filters for the STREAM command
SHOWPERM = List all possible permissions and show if granted to FBCMD
SHOWPREF = Show your current preferences (and optionally defaults too)
STATUS = Sets (or Displays) the your status
STREAM = Show stream stories (with optional filter)
TAGPIC = Tag a photo
UFIELDS = List the available fields for FINFO
UPDATE = Update FBCMD to the latest version
VERSION = Check to see the latest version available
WALLPOST = Post a message on the wall of friend(s)
WHOAMI = Display the currently authorized user
Enjoy =)
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